Reinventing your Personal Brand

How to take control of your public image

The importance of having a personal brand

Whether they realise it or not, everyone already has a personal brand. Successful careers are built upon taking ownership of the narrative. It is written into our LinkedIn bios, the way we are mentioned on our company websites, the clothes we wear, what we post on social media, down to the look of our email signature, and our writing style.

Having a well-crafted personal brand can attract more opportunities, establish credibility while placing you as an authority in your industry. Take charge and shape your own career path. In this article, we will explore the steps to update your personal brand to create a powerful online presence that aligns with your dreams and values.


Steps to take when envisioning your future self

To reinvent your personal brand, start by defining what makes you different. People want to hear your unique take on a topic. Next, list your values, passions, and what your dream self looks like. Use these as keywords for what your brand should embody. Knowing what you stand for makes it easy to discern what meets your standards.

One of the most effective ways to build your personal brand is through your social media persona. Start with your LinkedIn bio, which acts as the modern-day business card and not just your online resume. Share topics from the news that falls in your field. Then reconsider the types of content you share on other platforms. Ensure they align with your values and goals. Comment on the posts of others in your industry. Ask questions, share your knowledge and you’ll build relationships that support you and see you as a thought leader.


Choosing the look of your personal brand

Marie Kondo’s website aligns with her calm personality and the uncluttered colour palette matches her unique approach to tidying up as a home organising consultant. Her visual identity is consistent across all her platforms, using a peaceful green colour and simple, clean graphics. She has also developed a memorable phrase, "spark joy," which has become synonymous with her brand. The brand extends to her social media photos and typography.

Seth Godin's personal branding revolves around his unique perspective on marketing. He has created an identity with his signature glasses and simple, yet memorable, catchphrases, such as the now-famous "purple cow" analogy. Godin has built a loyal following through his blog, books, and speeches, which have established him as a thought leader.

Check out his website to see how cleverly he uses colour and a quirky photography to match his frank, personal approach.

Developing a visual identity that is consistent across all your platforms is essential for establishing a memorable personal brand. The colour scheme and fonts you use reflect your personality and help you stand out as a professional. Look at other influencers in your industry for inspiration and choose visual elements that appeal to your target audience. Keep it simple, avoiding excessive use of fonts or clashing hues. Think about the psychology of colour to select colour that evoke the desired emotions and align with your industry or niche. Check out my previous post about fonts, to see what role they play in the perception of your brand.


Roll-out plan to rebrand yourself

Knowing your public image empowers you to take control of the narrative. When your online presence matches the real you, nobody can tell you otherwise.

  • Define what makes you different.

  • List your values, passions, and what your dream self looks like.

  • Apply these keywords to all your brand choices.

  • Develop an elevator pitch – a short description of what you do and who you are.

  • Look at what influencers in your field are doing.

  • Add your life motto or a quote in your email signature.

  • Relook your social media persona.

  • Get a professional portrait photo taken for your profile.

  • Rewrite your LinkedIn bio.

  • Think about writing original blog posts on LinkedIn to share your unique perspective.

  • Share topics from the news that falls in your field.

  • Build a community by interacting with followers.

  • Use live sessions to answer questions and set yourself as a thought leader.

  • Be consistent in how you present yourself and how often.

  • Be authentic and the message should come through naturally.


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Fonts for Branding: Free on Canva for Commercial Use